The Micro-Meter Tank design restricts the air flower producing lower velocities. It was a perfect choice because I required a moderate power level to keep the Airforce Condor ss under the 20 fpe Field Target limit.
As a bonus, the Micro-Meter Tank gives increased shot count and great consistency. I get between 760-765 fps with 10.65 grain H&N Baracuda Field Target match pellets. That is about 13ft-lb of energy.
At Field Target matches I have no problem getting down the 40-55 yard targets. With my tank filled up to 2900 psi at the start of the 60-shot match, it was only on 2600 psi when I finished. I was able to shoot another 20-30 shots at home before refilling the tank which was at 2400 psi for a total of 80 to 90 shots before needing to fill the tank.
The barrel kit includes a new end cap for the smaller .177 hole, 4 slightly longer set screws to hold the barrel in place and of course, the Lothar-Walther barrel.
Barrel, end cap and 4 screws are included in the kit.
Remove the Condor SS’s Sound-Loc components.
Remove the foregrip.
Now there are the two set screws on the left side and two more set screws and baffle retaining screw on the bottom to be removed. Please note that the longer set screws are on the bottom.
Remove baffle retaining screw and four set screws.
Open the breech and push the barrel out of the shroud. I used a small wooden dowel rod to push the barrel out. Now when you go to put the new barrel in, look closely at the blocks on the barrel. Line up the tapped thread holes with the left side and bottom and slide the barrel in again using the dowel rod.
Install the new barrel.
Please remember if you are switching the just barrel from the higher caliber (.20, .22, .25) to .177 you will need to switch the tank as well to go to .177 caliber or use the Micro-Meter tank.
Installed barrel ready for use.
Does this new Airforce Condor SS set up work for Field Target?
I tied my best score ever on the hardest course the range master has ever set up. Therefore, I would say, “YES”. I am hoping to beat my best score in the next match. The great thing is if I need to go back to the other caliber for some knock down power it should only take me about 10-15 minutes.